Friday, February 20, 2015

1st Quilt Show.


I was ask-- had my arm twisted a bit-- by the lady at the quilt store, to enter my quilts in the local quilt show, after she saw my work.

These are the quilts I entered.

Learning Pinwheels


Baby's Aquarium

Currently the top 2 are the ones I use for our bed. I switch off when I launder sheets weekly. In order to enter them I used a spare sleeping bag on the bed cause it was only going to be 3 days with out a quilt. I get home from dropping off and registering my quilts (Really Jerad's, I do not make quilts for my self so anything I want to keep is his. I know it is silly, but the magic of the quilt just works that way for me. I do not make, Can not make, quilts for myself.) and THE CAT PUKED ALL OVER THE BED>>>>>>>>>>>>YUCK! I tried to get the bedding washed in time for bed, but failed. So I ended up pulling a quilt that I need to repair, a panel came loose in a corner, nothing big, and used it.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My First Quilt.

My First Quilt

I made this in hopes of us having a child. Unfortunately, we have yet as to have children and the quilt has a long sad story. I worked on it off and on for 3 years. the satin stitch around the applique is hand stitched. All other stitching is machine.

I still maintain hope of us having children. We are just looking at adoption now, instead of surrogacy--At least for our first.


Hello and welcome to my first attempt to blog. As such I have decided to share my love of quilting, the quilts I am making, and the joys and frustrations along the way.

The first up (but not my first):

Grandmas Quilt  

A quilt made for my husbands grandmother when she broke her leg last year. 

My hubby helped with thread changes and his mother helped piecing The project was done in just under 2 weeks, running long days so Grandma could have it in the hospital.

 Blocks being machine appliqued

To save fabric I outlined the blocks and appliqued them before they were cut.

Easy (Cheating) Quilting

To save even more time I used a running stitch pattern on the embroidery machine to quilt it.

Best of all:
                     Grandma loves it. She shows it to everyone and displays it over the back of her couch....when she is not using it.

One lesson learned from this was not to push too hard to finish a quilt. I stressed myself out so bad trying finish in a week so it could be sent to grandma with my mother in law, who was going to visit grandma in the hospital, on their (my hubby's mom and dad) way home from visiting us for thanksgiving  '14.

More Later, Quilt Now!
Hugs and Love

                 C.E, Swagg